Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Pope Celebrates WYD 2011 Mass with Seminarians at Almudena Cathedral in Madrid

August 20,2011 during the WYD 2011 the Pope Celebrated a solemn Mass at the beautiful Almudena Cathedral in Madrid, Spain.

The Choir sung impressively during the solemn occasion.

Entrance Procession
The MCs and Thurifer and the boat bearer leads the Entrance
The acolytes are wearing alb instead of cassock and surplice.
 The Processional cross with 2 candles in between very simple yet impressive design

The co-celebrants

POPE BENEDICT XVI with the Papal MCs beside him

Insensation of the Altar (take note of the Benedictine altar formation)

7 candles are placed in the Altar (only a few Dioceses and Parishes here in the Philippines who use this Benedictine style of altar) 

Rev. 1:12 "I turned to see who was speaking to me; behind me were seven golden lamp stands"

Cardinal Rouco of Madrid gives his welcome address to the Pope

Note: during the Mass the Pope was given a token of appreciation from the Cardinal

Choir made up of Semenarians
Imposition of the Incense During the Gospel Acclimation 
Deacon censing the book of the Gospel before reading (Nice Thurible btw)

The Book of the Gospels plated with silver designs.

Pope's Homily
For the Highlights of the Pope's homily just follow the link below

Preparation of the Altar

2 deacons with water and wine symbolizing the Blood of Christ which poured down from his side
 ref: Gospel of John

The Pope Censing the gifts, The Incense symbolizing sacrifice being offered to God
this is adopted in Jewish custom.

Liturgy of the Eucharist

Sanctus (Thurifer and Baot bearer with 6 candle bearers and MC (in Cassock and Surplice) at each side

The Consecration 
The Pope uses Eucharistic Prayer 1/ Roman Canon

The team of the Thurifer and the Candlebearers kneel together during the Consecration not after Sanctus.

The Sacrament

One of the most beautiful chalice I've seen containing the Blood of Christ

Mysterium Fidei and continuation of the Eucharistic prayer 1 (As you notice the Acolytes with thurible and torches stands during this Proclamation until the Great Amen.)

Continuation of the Eucharistic Prayer 1

"Per Ispum..." (Doxlology)

"Our Father"

Communion rite (Kneeling is a traditional gesture in receiving the communion)

Reliquary of St. John of Avila

The Holy mass was very Solemn and elegant, the clergy and the people present applauded the Pope for his sincere and wonderful message.

God Bless!

Photos: courtesy of youtube

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