The Sanctuary is very attractive
and the set up was quite nice
BUT THERE'S Something WORNG!!!
Sorry I can't help it.
Here are the difference...
1. Lets focus first on the Surplice
> What is the true Color of the Surplice?
ref. Catholic Encyclopedia
Surplice symbolizes baptism and transforming a certain person into a new person to serve God.
And the color of Baptism is WHITE!
Some altar servers, worship coordinators, parish head acolyte, Parish priests and parish liturgical officers or trainers are not quite familiar with this. It must be white not red, blue, green..etc BUT WHITE
Some people think it's cute to wear colored surplice, but the problem is it s not a liturgical norm or indult.
So it is more better to wear black cassock (norm), white cassock (indult) with WHITE surplice on it than to wear colored surplices.
2. Candle Bearers are not KNEELING
> During the Narrative of the institution every altar server should kneel without any exceptions not unless for health reasons.
It is a way to honor the presence of the elevated Body and Blood of Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist.
In my opinion it is not a sense of altar serving "style" but it is practically wrong.
Candles symbolizes the Light of God that shines to the people. Why can't these acolytes kneel if they believe that Christ is present and if they are really familiar with the liturgical gestures do these 2 candle bearers still need a kneeler to kneel??? hahaha
I hope their acolyte- trainer be touched by God.
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